Most climate models say the Antarctic sea ice should be decreasing — but, of course, it’s not

LiveScience reports:

Most climate models say the Antarctic sea ice should be decreasing, but a slight increase is within the realm of natural variability, said climate scientist Julienne Stroeve of the National Snow & Ice Data Center (NSIDC).

“Antarctica is quite cold, and even 5 degrees Celsius [9 degrees Fahrenheit] of warming is not going to make much of a difference,” Stroeve told LiveScience.

That same amount of warming would affect the Arctic dramatically.

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2 thoughts on “Most climate models say the Antarctic sea ice should be decreasing — but, of course, it’s not”

  1. How many more “tipping points” and “last chances” are we supposed to get?

  2. Global Warming theory is amazing because there is no way to contradict it. Everything seems to be within the range of natural variablitity, and then 50 years out bam – suddenly the temps will pop up 10 degc, or 20, or who knows the planet will turn into another Venus.

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