Gore again compares skeptics to gay-bashers and racists — Says skeptics should be publicly shamed

Atlantic Cities reports:

Although Gore seemed optimistic about the progress being made in public opinion about climate change, he used some pretty extreme language to condemn climate change deniers, comparing them to gay bashers and 1960s-era racists. He also had unkind words for journalists.

“It is now like a family with an alcoholic father who flies into a rage whenever the problem is mentioned, so everybody learns to keep the peace by never speaking up,” he said. “The news media, for example, is largely scared to death to say the word ‘climate.’ The coverage has been pathetic.”

For all these failings of the press and the politicians, Gore offered two solutions: Impose a carbon tax on companies and publicly shame climate change neglecters and deniers.

“We have to put a price on carbon in the marketplace, and we have to put a price on denial in the political system,” he said.

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14 thoughts on “Gore again compares skeptics to gay-bashers and racists — Says skeptics should be publicly shamed”

  1. Actually, no. I don’t deny anything. I reject the conclusions of the IPCC due to flaws in their reasoning. This isn’t like any “pride” march where the label was either meaningless or has a meaning that was neutral or arguably positive (ie: “gay”). “Denier” has a specific meaning which is completely negative. This is more comparable to the term “faggot” (meaning stick of firewood), which no homosexual group has claimed because it has a meaning, and it ain’t pretty..

  2. He said denier; your headline says skeptic. There’s a difference. (He is right about deniers.)

  3. What’s all this ‘skeptic’ BS?

    I’m a DENIER!

    Hell, anyone for a ‘Denier Pride’ day?

  4. “The news media, for example, is largely scared to death to say the word ‘climate.’”

    Well, Al-baby, that’s because since Climategate, every time the legacy media dorks have tried to carry water for you “Liberal” fascist catastrophe fraudsters, they’ve gotten bitch-slapped until their ears ring.

    They’ve gotten to the point at which they’re cringing and twitching like whipped dogs every time the subject of “climate change” comes up.

    Ain’t that nice?

  5. Actually that might not be so bad. In the process of being shamed, the general public might get a chance to hear why the skeptics are so skeptical. The media might be forced to report their “heresy”, which might strike a cord in an along-for-the-ride believer.

    I’m not too worried about this over the top rhetoric. The warmists know their best bet is to keep hurling insults, demonizing, and marginalizing the skeptics without being too specific. They couldn’t just generalize about the deniers. They might have to hold up an “exhibit A” for the charge of blasphemy proving the denier is worthy of the Hall of Shame. The last thing they want is an open discussion of the validity of AGW.

  6. “The news media, for example, is largely scared to death to say the word ‘climate'”

    An astute observation, but nobody is scared to say the word. We avoid it because crooks like Gore made it a dirty word and nobody wants to be associated with them through word usage. If they leave it alone, we might consider using it again after a while.

  7. Ther is no ‘solution’ in his solution. It amounts to punishing the people who emit carbon (the OTHER people who emit carbon!) and punishing the people who dare to be different. Nothing he proposes would have a measurable effect on the climate, just on the people he dislikes.

  8. Desperation! He sees his whole worldview collapsing around him.

    ‘Rage, rage against the dying of the cause’.

    But nothing else left..its dying.

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