Global warming blamed for deadly spider plague across UK — Watch for Thames to turn red next

The Daily Star reports:

The deadly cousin of the black widow has reached EVERY PART of southern Britain and the species is fast spreading north into Wales and the midlands.

Warmer temperatures mean the venomous arachnids – by far the most poisonous spider on our shores – are breeding faster than ever before…

Female false widows lay up to 120 eggs at a time and experts claim their numbers in Britain have surged because of global warming.

Environmentalist Matt Shardlow, of conservation charity Buglife, said: “Climate change may have helped.

“The species would have also adapted and evolved to cope with the colder weather.”

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3 thoughts on “Global warming blamed for deadly spider plague across UK — Watch for Thames to turn red next”

  1. I grew up with black widows and brown recluse in California. Never been bitten by one (that I know of)

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