CBS reports temperatures could have risen to 212 degrees — but oceans ate the warming

Media Research Center reports:

The UN’s climate panel (IPCC) released its latest warning about “catastrophic” climate change on Sept. 27, garnering the frantic attention of all three broadcast networks that night. CBS even aired a claim about temperatures rising “more than 200 degrees.”

Predictably, the evening news shows on ABC, CBS and NBC Sept. 27 repeated the IPCC’s dire warnings without including any skeptics and without mentioning past failures such as their inability to accurately predict warming or sea level rise…

“Evening News” took a different tack, airing a story about oyster farming and complaints that climate change is ruining a man’s business. But in Ben Tracy’s story, which mentioned the IPCC’s latest report, he said that oceans have absorbed much of the heat caused by CO2 and that ocean temperatures have risen only slightly. Then he made a claim that Principal Research Scientist Dr. Roy Spencer of the University of Alabama in Huntsville called “totally misleading and irresponsible.”

“Had all that heat gone into the atmosphere, air temperatures could have risen by more than 200 degrees [showed 212 degrees onscreen],” Tracy warned.

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7 thoughts on “CBS reports temperatures could have risen to 212 degrees — but oceans ate the warming”

  1. That’s a fine example of Government Climate Communicators not being available to the media due to the shutdown. This could be fun in the days ahead.

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