Alaska Governor announces investigation of EPA for armed raid on mine

The Washington Times reports:

The Environmental Protection Agency is coming under increasing fire for a raid conducted in Alaska this summer by armed agents seeking violations of the Clean Water Act.

Alaska Gov. Sean Parnell announced late Thursday that he has named a special counsel to investigate the August incident in the tiny town of Chicken, Ala., shortly after Republicans at a House subcommittee hearing characterized the episode as an effort to intimidate miners.

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4 thoughts on “Alaska Governor announces investigation of EPA for armed raid on mine”

  1. Thank goodness someone is finally doing something about this. DeFazio should resign, or we should send a SWAT team to his home to respond to some rumor that he’s violated a chicken. I’m sure there’s some Fed agency with a SWAT team (evidently they all have them) that would be appropriate for this task!

    The really sad thing about this is that your average Joe (Jodell) doesn’t even know about any of this, or give a cr_p. Sigh!

    Go Gov. Parnell!

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