Communist Party USA: IPCC report ‘another brick in the wall of public scientific understanding against climate denialism’

Mark Brodine writes at People’s World: Continue reading Communist Party USA: IPCC report ‘another brick in the wall of public scientific understanding against climate denialism’

IMF chief: ‘Economic instability results from the environmental damages effected by climate change’ — Example, please?

The Hill reports: Continue reading IMF chief: ‘Economic instability results from the environmental damages effected by climate change’ — Example, please?

Billionaire enviro Tom Steyer fighting Keystone XL to help pipeline in which he has a financial interest

The Daily Caller reports: Continue reading Billionaire enviro Tom Steyer fighting Keystone XL to help pipeline in which he has a financial interest

Utilities say battery-stored solar could breed fraud as solar users sell utility-generated power back to utilities

The San Francisco Chronicle reports: Continue reading Utilities say battery-stored solar could breed fraud as solar users sell utility-generated power back to utilities

Leading German Enviro: Green energy a ‘run away train putting Germany’s industry in jeopardy’

Fritz Vahrenholt told Larry Bell: Continue reading Leading German Enviro: Green energy a ‘run away train putting Germany’s industry in jeopardy’

Warmist: Geoengineering must be considered in the ‘last resort’ — a last resort to what?

Matthew Watson writes in the Guardian: Continue reading Warmist: Geoengineering must be considered in the ‘last resort’ — a last resort to what?

Marylanders can’t keep their doctor: ‘No Doctors Are Found’ says state Obamacare exchange

From the Weekly Standard: Continue reading Marylanders can’t keep their doctor: ‘No Doctors Are Found’ says state Obamacare exchange