Skeptics need to be hurdlers: LATimes says it would print letters from peer-reviewed skeptics with advanced degrees

The LATimes shames itself: Continue reading Skeptics need to be hurdlers: LATimes says it would print letters from peer-reviewed skeptics with advanced degrees

Alaska sinking because of global warming, claims USA Today — But ‘permafrost has been thawing since the last ice age’

USA Today reports: Continue reading Alaska sinking because of global warming, claims USA Today — But ‘permafrost has been thawing since the last ice age’

Over the top: ‘Progressive’ prof claims EPA shutdown could have ‘grave, tragic, and perhaps even irreversible’ results

Like what? Continue reading Over the top: ‘Progressive’ prof claims EPA shutdown could have ‘grave, tragic, and perhaps even irreversible’ results

University promotes presentation from ‘Nobel Peace Prize Winner’ Michael Mann on hokey stick

Angelo State University announced today: Continue reading University promotes presentation from ‘Nobel Peace Prize Winner’ Michael Mann on hokey stick

Excuse us: NIH researchers squeal about shutdown — Sorry, reining in government excess more important than temporary break in wishful research

Listen to the greedy piggies squeal when the trough is removed. Continue reading Excuse us: NIH researchers squeal about shutdown — Sorry, reining in government excess more important than temporary break in wishful research

Richard Lindzen: ‘Support of global warming alarm hardly constitutes intelligent respect for science’

Richard Lindzen writes at GWPF: Continue reading Richard Lindzen: ‘Support of global warming alarm hardly constitutes intelligent respect for science’