Colorado state climatologist: Flooding ‘It isn’t yet as extreme or widespread as June 1965 floods or as dramatic as 1935 floods’

RealScience reports: Continue reading Colorado state climatologist: Flooding ‘It isn’t yet as extreme or widespread as June 1965 floods or as dramatic as 1935 floods’

Sen. Vitter: Investor abandonment of Pebble Mine ‘a prime example of why the economy isn’t recovering’

The Hill reports: Continue reading Sen. Vitter: Investor abandonment of Pebble Mine ‘a prime example of why the economy isn’t recovering’

Big Calif. trucking cos. rat out independents to gov’t over diesel emissions; Air emissions regs used to weed out small competitors

The Los Angeles Times reports: Continue reading Big Calif. trucking cos. rat out independents to gov’t over diesel emissions; Air emissions regs used to weed out small competitors

California condor egg shell thinning blamed on DDT — even though no significant correlation found

The AP reports: Continue reading California condor egg shell thinning blamed on DDT — even though no significant correlation found

Australian: Global warming science not about “belief” — “It is facts rather than ‘belief’ that matter’

The Australian editorializes: Continue reading Australian: Global warming science not about “belief” — “It is facts rather than ‘belief’ that matter’

Bloomberg News slams Obama admin as ‘pathetic’ for not cooperating with upcoming House climate hearing

Bloomberg News editorializes: Continue reading Bloomberg News slams Obama admin as ‘pathetic’ for not cooperating with upcoming House climate hearing