Must-see Video: EPA admits illegal purpose of coal plant rules; Facilitating international treaty talks not allowed by Clean Air Act

This video ought to destroy upcoming EPA’s coal plant rules when challenged in federal court. Continue reading Must-see Video: EPA admits illegal purpose of coal plant rules; Facilitating international treaty talks not allowed by Clean Air Act

‘Black Day’ for warmism in Australia: New PM abolishes Climate Commission, begins to scrap Climate Change Authority

The Australian reports: Continue reading ‘Black Day’ for warmism in Australia: New PM abolishes Climate Commission, begins to scrap Climate Change Authority

Green energy causing German electricity rates to ‘rapidly increase… growing numbers of families no longer can afford to pay bill’

The New York Times reports: Continue reading Green energy causing German electricity rates to ‘rapidly increase… growing numbers of families no longer can afford to pay bill’

UArizona prof gets $5 million from taxpayers to study how climate affects human evolution

We could have saved the National Science Foundation (and taxpayers) teh cash: Warm, good; cold, bad. Continue reading UArizona prof gets $5 million from taxpayers to study how climate affects human evolution

EPA admits its climate efforts will NOT solve climate change

If the federal court system were a sane place, this admission of futility would doom CO2 regulation under the Clean Air Act. Continue reading EPA admits its climate efforts will NOT solve climate change

More green on green violence: Left keeps up attack on Naomi Klein for comment about Big Green being more of a problem than ‘deniers’

The Guardian reports: Continue reading More green on green violence: Left keeps up attack on Naomi Klein for comment about Big Green being more of a problem than ‘deniers’

Summary of today’s House climate hearing: GOP firmly opposed to an abusive and arrogant EPA

Here’s our take on today’s House climate hearing: Continue reading Summary of today’s House climate hearing: GOP firmly opposed to an abusive and arrogant EPA