UC-Davis gets $11 million to study how to get Californians to drive less — except during ‘catastrophic climate events’

From the Sacramento Bee: Continue reading UC-Davis gets $11 million to study how to get Californians to drive less — except during ‘catastrophic climate events’

Michael Mann claims Virginia GOP Guv candidate Cuccinelli lying about Climategate-related lawsuit — What’s the lie, Mike?

Here’s what Cuccinelli said: Continue reading Michael Mann claims Virginia GOP Guv candidate Cuccinelli lying about Climategate-related lawsuit — What’s the lie, Mike?

NYTimes food columnist: While EPA’s getting rid of coal, let’s get rid of natural gas, too

NYTimes food columninst Mark Bittman writes: Continue reading NYTimes food columnist: While EPA’s getting rid of coal, let’s get rid of natural gas, too

David Suzuki: New Aussie PM should be criminally charged for scrapping carbon tax and climate commission

Canoe.ca reports: Continue reading David Suzuki: New Aussie PM should be criminally charged for scrapping carbon tax and climate commission

Video: Michael Mann’s twisted view of science education

Mann seems to think that science education is politically correct received wisdom about controversial topics (like global warming) — as opposed to teaching basic principles and critical thinking. Continue reading Video: Michael Mann’s twisted view of science education

James Taranto on IPCC: ‘And these guys look shifty not just for scientists but for PR men’ — IPCC report is a ‘cooked book’

James Taranto writes at WSJ.com: Continue reading James Taranto on IPCC: ‘And these guys look shifty not just for scientists but for PR men’ — IPCC report is a ‘cooked book’

Irony: IMF says it can help climate by ‘shining light on murky cobweb of energy subsidies’

Careful, Christine, without that “murcky cobweb”, the wind and solar industries would not exist. Continue reading Irony: IMF says it can help climate by ‘shining light on murky cobweb of energy subsidies’