EPA Inspector General: EPA failed to develop required program to teach scientific integrity

Will this be EPA’s defense? No one told us how to have integrity? Continue reading EPA Inspector General: EPA failed to develop required program to teach scientific integrity

US ‘loans’ Pakistan $95 million for wind farm — but Wash DC to get $30 million less from feds in 2014

The Business Standard reports: Continue reading US ‘loans’ Pakistan $95 million for wind farm — but Wash DC to get $30 million less from feds in 2014

Seed donor of Gore climate lobby group: Not contributing or ‘following it very much’ anymore — ‘We were all very naive’

Buzzfeed reports: Continue reading Seed donor of Gore climate lobby group: Not contributing or ‘following it very much’ anymore — ‘We were all very naive’

Prominent warmist: ‘“I can’t really think of much to say about Gore’s efforts that I’d want to put on the record’

Buzzfeed reports: Continue reading Prominent warmist: ‘“I can’t really think of much to say about Gore’s efforts that I’d want to put on the record’

Al Gore climate lobby effort melting: Staff cut 90%, budget down 80%; Ex-donor calls goals ‘naive’

Buzzfeed reports: Continue reading Al Gore climate lobby effort melting: Staff cut 90%, budget down 80%; Ex-donor calls goals ‘naive’

Warmist von Storch: CO2-caused warming only an ‘assumption’ — other factors could be ‘underestimated’

from a Deutche Welle interview with Hans von Storch: Continue reading Warmist von Storch: CO2-caused warming only an ‘assumption’ — other factors could be ‘underestimated’

Aussie oppo leader turns climate sword back on Labor PM: Election a referendum on carbon tax

Dennis Shanahan comments in the Australian: Continue reading Aussie oppo leader turns climate sword back on Labor PM: Election a referendum on carbon tax

No MSM Bias Here: Skeptics paid, but warmists work for free?

In its report of the Heartland Institute’s new report “Climate Change Reconsidered II: Physical Science,” the trade press publication Climatewire reports: Continue reading No MSM Bias Here: Skeptics paid, but warmists work for free?