State Dept. puts off Keystone XL decision until 2014, citing phony conflict-of-interest investigation

As predicted, the Obama administration is colluding with enviros to fabricate reasons for not approving the pipeline.

The National Journal reports:

The State Department’s Office of Inspector General announced Friday it does not expect to release the results of an investigation into a possible conflict of interest in the department’s Keystone XL pipeline review until January—a move that could delay a final decision on the project until next year.

4 thoughts on “State Dept. puts off Keystone XL decision until 2014, citing phony conflict-of-interest investigation”

  1. We understand that you have Cocaine Derived energy policy, that is why we are sending our oil to eastern Canada to load on ships and send to the Gulf refineries which is much safer then by pipeline.

  2. Obama rejected the proposed pipeline in January 2012. What part of “No” do the people not understand?

  3. It’s kind of funny, Keystone and the IRS scandal have at the heart the same “Gitmo” strategy: Never make a decision based on any evidence that might demand a hearing, just place that which you find undesirable in limbo to rot and run out the clock.

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