West Virginia Democrats beg for mercy on coal from Obama EPA chief

Grovelling West Virginia Dems are happy just to get a response from Gina McCarthy. What a nation we have become. Continue reading West Virginia Democrats beg for mercy on coal from Obama EPA chief

DDT genocide instigator William Ruckelshaus urges GOP to surrender on climate

William Ruckelshaus’ anti-science DDT ban helped lead to the deaths of tens of millions in Africa — now he wants to do the same via energy bans. Continue reading DDT genocide instigator William Ruckelshaus urges GOP to surrender on climate

Statement of Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) Business Meeting to Consider EPA Subpoena Over ‘Secret Science’

Chairman Smith: Today we consider the Committee’s first subpoena in 21 years. Unfortunately, we’ve been put in this position by an agency that willfully disregards Congressional requests and makes its rules using undisclosed data. This subpoena could have been avoided. Continue reading Statement of Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) Business Meeting to Consider EPA Subpoena Over ‘Secret Science’

Food nannies fail math in effort to blame obesity on high fructose corn syrup

The food nannies at Citizens for Health (And who are the Citizens Against Health) stated today: Continue reading Food nannies fail math in effort to blame obesity on high fructose corn syrup