Issa responds to ‘denier’ award from Obama: Science not the issue. President out to raise energy costs, kill jobs

In response to receiving yesterday a “denier” award from the League of Conservation Voters, a spokesman for Rep. Darrel Issa issued the following statement:

“This political gathering isn’t being done to support science, it is being staged by and is intended to promote President Obama’s radical campaign to raise energy costs that will kill Americans jobs. President Obama has already told Americans that under his plan, ‘electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket ’ and his first Energy Secretary declared that, ‘we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.’

Rep. Issa has long recognized that our climate is changing – it’s his support for expanding domestic energy production and his steadfast opposition to the President’s radical plans to raise energy costs that are the real issue.

Congressman Issa supports a balanced approach that provides the clean domestic energy America needs without raising our energy rates or putting Americans out of work.”

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4 thoughts on “Issa responds to ‘denier’ award from Obama: Science not the issue. President out to raise energy costs, kill jobs”

  1. Nazism and Communism BOTH used “Science” as a foil by they THEY deluded millions into following them to their doom. They called it Science too, but it still wreaks of politics.

  2. Don’t you remember the black woman who claimed the obummer was going to pay her electricity bill (and her mortgage)?

  3. Why aren’t people attacking Obama’s Energy Debacle as an attack on poor Blacks! Poor people are going to die because of increased energy costs.

  4. You can judge people by both their friends and their enemies. The condemnation of the Montana Conservation Voters was one reason that I voted for Steve Daines.

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