Hotlanta — Not! City breaks century old record for coolest high

CBS Atlanta reports:

Atlanta’s high temperature on Thursday was only 73 degrees which is the coolest high temperature on record for August 15.

The previous record was a high of only 77 degrees from 1908.

Thursday’s high followed even cooler temperatures on Friday when Atlanta only hit 67 degrees — the coolest August high temperature since 1986.

The average high temperature for this time of year is 88 degrees, putting Thursday’s high 15 degrees below average.

Atlanta has seen a cooler-than-average summer due to a lot of rain. We’re about 15 inches above average on rainfall this year.

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So far, 2013 is the 42nd warmest on record across the U.S.

8 thoughts on “Hotlanta — Not! City breaks century old record for coolest high”

  1. Yes, hot makes cold and cold makes hot. Do you even understand how really stupid that sounds? Greater heat content makes more frequent lows? The reason people don’t believe in climate change is every single possible outcome of any kind is claimed to be the result of climate change. Every one–prostitution, soft apples, more crime, and on and on and on. Perhaps you should consider that if climate change science did not provide so much poo to fling…..

  2. Coldest day on record for Atlanta GA, anecdotal, means nothing.

    Warmest day in Fairbanks Alaska 2013, OMG! GLOBAL WARMING!!

  3. The heat was all sucked up by the Oceans, and is causing dolphin skin to dry out. Yeah, that’s it, that’s the ticket. And I can’t talk any more cuz I have a date with um, um Morgan Fairchild, yeah that’s it.

  4. Greater heat content will create more frequent record lows. Interesting. And you claim the side of science.

    It is also nice to note that you claim that this site is flinging poo, and you are the only one doing any flinging. Be proud of yourself.

  5. No, Mr. Bell, what’s being mocked is the tendency of the true believers to take an isolated event that fits their narrative and present
    It as evidence of global warming/climate change/climate disruption/extreme weather. Oh, you are right, I’m truly ignorant. Just how do I get more colder weather by heating up the atmosphere? Me, I truly believe that this abnormally cool weather from Richmond to Atlanta is a portent of the coming ice age.

  6. Actually no Mr Bell – I think that you are trying in your infinitesimal wisdom to turn reports of ‘normal’ weather patterns into some kind of superior academic philosophical statement – get over it – the weather has always been indeterminent

  7. If we are in danger of throwing away our intellectual superiority, blame it on the Fed. government inserting their noses into our public schools, where they really do not belong.

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