Crazy Over Climate: Attempt to link skepticism to bizarre beliefs, conspiracy theories a staple tactic of warmist industry

Peter Foster writes in the Financial Post:

The attempt to link skepticism to bizarre beliefs or conspiracy theories has become a staple tactic of the warmist industry and its government puppets. According to Al Gore, “Fifteen per cent of the people believe the moon landing was staged on some movie lot and a somewhat smaller number still believe the earth is flat. They all get together on a Saturday night and party with the global warming deniers.”

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4 thoughts on “Crazy Over Climate: Attempt to link skepticism to bizarre beliefs, conspiracy theories a staple tactic of warmist industry”

  1. Wasn’t there a study a while back that found people who were better educated in science were less likely to accept whole Al-Gorian Global Warming scenario? Reluctance to accept dubious and unfalseable theories is not crazy.

  2. “They all get together on a Saturday night and party with the global warming deniers.” — No Al, we sent them over to help you find and release your second chakra….

  3. Okay. Let’s look at my own list.
    I believe in evolution.
    I believe a Power started the universe, including evolution.
    I think the Bible has a mix of messages. “Love thy God” and “love thy neighbor” really work; stoning adulterers or homosexuals does not work for me, nor slaughtering all of the people of Jericho except the harlot and her family.
    I think civil recognition of same-sex unions should be on a par with other-sex unions.
    I believe faith communities should conduct marriages and only within the teachings of each faith community. I didn’t ask a rabbi to perform my marriage; why would a gay couple ask a Catholic priest to perform theirs?
    I believe GMO-based foods are a great idea.
    I believe socialized medicine is bad for all but the elite.
    I believe particulate pollution and soot are harmful to health, even if it’s a long-term harm so that “show us the bodies” becomes hard to do.
    I believe adults should make up their own minds about sexual activity and other lifestyle choices.
    I believe adults should take responsibility for outcomes, good and bad, after making up our own minds.
    I believe promiscuity is an empty and sad way to live, sometimes even a cruel way to live.
    I think CAGW is a crock and its leading voices are charlatans and they know they are charlatans. Not that I am bitter.
    I think Voter ID is a clearly desirable practice.
    Okay, when am I a right-wing idealogue, when am I a loon, and when am I being a reasonable, thinking adult?

  4. Nice cut and slice on Lewandosky’s bit of psychological junk science. We’ve been treated to a constant barrage of doom scenario’s, each one vying to be worst than the one before. It is almost primitive in its push for us to atone for our sins against a living, breathing earth. We are supposed to ignore contradictory facts and claims. It would be easier to believe the moon landings were faked than believe the climate doom. I don’t think the skeptics need psychoanalysis as much as the true believers.

    PS. I saw the OJ movie. They can’t fool me about the moon landing. 🙂

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