CNN: ‘Gore says climate change deniers melting away’

Uh… name one, Al.

CNN reports:

Former Vice President Al Gore said he’s optimistic about the future of the climate change debate, arguing Republicans are growing weary of global warning deniers.

In an interview with The Washington Post, Gore said climate change activists are in the process of “winning the conversation,” just like activists won the civil rights movement.

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5 thoughts on “CNN: ‘Gore says climate change deniers melting away’”

  1. Watching democrats debate republicans is like watching an old married couple argue over the best route to drive. It may look and sound like they hate eachother, but make no mistake, they love eachother and they’re both trying to get to the same destination. Fear of climate change, fear of terrorists, fear of murderers, fear of drugs, fear of unemployment, fear of medical bills… The only proposed defense against every invented threat is increased centralized authority.

  2. “…arguing Republicans are growing weary of global warning deniers.” From an online Bible: “Galatians 6:9 And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” Global warming deniers, or skeptics, or realists — we must be in it for the long run, because the wicked and the fools are.

  3. Except this time it’s about denying civil rights to a majority, not ensuring those of a minority.

  4. Well, Al was watching this documentary about global warming causing hurricanes strong enough to slam a house into another dimension. There was a brave environmentalist and her little dog Toto, who meets up with a few members of the public to save the Munchkins, a native people threatened by sea level rise. He’d just got to the bit where the wicked climate denier got a bucket of truth in the face and she just melted away… Or that’s what he remembers, but nanny said it was time to go night night and he never did find out how the story ends. But it was absolutely true, especially the bit about the great and powerful climate scientist. Just wait for the section in the IPCC report headed ‘Ruby Slippers’, it’ll kick butt.

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