Auusie prof lays out plan to brainwash kids on climate

Biochemist Gideon Polya writes in “100 Ideas for Climate Activists”:

5. Children

Hundreds of millions of children are already the victims of the worsening climate crisis and it is estimated that 6 billion under-5 year old infants will die avoidably this century due to unaddressed climate change. All children are acutely threatened by man-made climate change. Some ideas for climate action re children:

5.1 Carefully-designed, ethical, science-informed (e.g. Climate Commission-informed), clear summaries of the climate crisis and solutions should be provided to all primary school children as a booklet, book mark, and refrigerator magnet.

5.2 Carefully-designed, ethical, science-informed, clear summaries of the climate crisis and solutions should be provided to all secondary school children as a booklet, book mark, and refrigerator magnet.

5.3 Green apparel as a badge of environmental concern (children can declare themselves for their future; make every day St Patrick’s Day).

5.4 Carefully-designed, ethical, science-informed, clear summaries of the climate crisis and solutions should be provided to all parents, school teachers, clergy, sports coaches, music teachers and indeed all those involved with children activities.

5.5 Smart ways of explaining to children that we have just One Planet and that any species extinction is unacceptable.

5.6 Awards to children (from badges to books) for good works for the Biosphere.

5.7. Local, state, national and global awards for outstanding environmentalism by children.

5.8 Children must be ethically encouraged to boycott ecocidal and terracidal products and services.

5.9 Children should be ethically encouraged to ask what their elders are doing in the War on the Planet. and instructed about the terms intergenerational equity, intergenerational justice, intergenerational inequity and intergenerational injustice.

5.10 Climate activists must educate and mobilize children who have the time and energy to help save their world.

5.11 Children and young people in general instructed about intergenerational equity, intergenerational justice, intergenerational inequity and intergenerational injustice.

5.12 Just as a children were ethically instructed about the consequences of nuclear war in “When the wind blows” by Raymond Briggs (1982), so they should be similarly made aware of the consequences of climate change inaction.

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14 thoughts on “Auusie prof lays out plan to brainwash kids on climate”

  1. Wow. Most of his ideas sound like they came straight out of 1930’s Soviet Union with the badges and awards and propaganda and special approved clothing.

  2. This must be a fraudulent document planted by Gleick to atone for his fraud against Heartland? No? It’s got me thinking about Chairman Mao and those little uniforms for all the little soldiers sending their parents off to prison.

  3. Makes sense to me, it’s simply a “water finding its own level” kind of thing.
    After all these Climate apostles preach an evidence-less fairy tale that magically turns a trace of CO2, formally the most essential nutrient to life on earth, into a fire breathing dragon.
    Apparently they believe some man made industrial incantations and wizardry has wrought this doom ….. ah, ok, well nearly doom ……. ummm, right ……. well theoretical doom in an ever increasingly distant future ……
    So their faith is the intellectual equivalence to a uneducated, innocent child, to whom the world is a mystery.
    These fear based CO2 mystic’s will see distressing children, darkening and making their future insecure as successful political activism.
    Rational people however will see it as the child abuse it is emanating from the minds of the fearful and easily duped.

  4. Too bad we can’t just educate our children instead of having them indoctrinated to a political agenda.

  5. It is clear that Polya is the victim of climate change … there can be be no other explanation for his vacuous pronunciations. Climate change has discriminated against him and he needs more money to feel like one of the boys again.

  6. Toothdoctor and Anymoose: You spoiled my reaction. You said everything I was going to write down here! Remembering the Nurnberg (although I was just a kid then) makes me freeze from fear.

  7. You have to give Prof. Polya credit. He is a world class inventor of clichés and jargon. Toothdoctor is correct: Polya is a Joseph Goebbels class of B.S. artist.

  8. To our host and fellow “Junkists”.I think we may have discovered the long -lost Doppelganger of the infamous Joseoh Goebbels, the Nazi Minister of Propaganda.A reading of Point 5 in this prof’s screed sends worrisome shivers down my spine .This is nothing but pure propaganda aimed at impressionable young minds,and is so dirty that our readers can draw their own conclusions.Please take the time to read his entire diatribe and you too will reel at his ideas.Look at points 6.6, 6.10,8.2,and 15.1 to get a feel for this.You will be gobsmacked by what you read,I can assure you all. Please post your feedback,if you don’t get a severe cranial abscess after this.Thank you.

  9. “name one.” Well, just about all children. With the billion$ spent on useless green energy projects and biofuel mandates, far less is available for work on real problems, and food prices go up. Add a “war on coal” in this country, and electricity rates may skyrocket, per BHO’s campaign promise 5 years ago. That will make all of us suffer.

  10. “Hundreds of millions of children are already the victims of the worsening climate crisis”

    Name one.

  11. That’s a long list he’s got there. Never let it be said that loonies don’t have ambition.

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