Joe Bastardi: Evidence That Demands a Verdict — Dismantling the EPA’s extremist views regarding CO2

Meteorologist Joe Bastardi writes at Patriot Post: Continue reading Joe Bastardi: Evidence That Demands a Verdict — Dismantling the EPA’s extremist views regarding CO2

NO… EPA rules don’t spur the economy… it’s the other way around

Clinton EPA administrator Carol Browner began perpetuating the myth EPA rules are a boon to the economy. It’s simply not true. Continue reading NO… EPA rules don’t spur the economy… it’s the other way around

New EPA chief in la-la-land: ‘Stop talking about jobs… carbon cuts are the opportunity of a lifetime’

The Denver Post reports: Continue reading New EPA chief in la-la-land: ‘Stop talking about jobs… carbon cuts are the opportunity of a lifetime’

Tanning scare perpetuated in new book from sunscreen-dermatologist junk science complex

The sunscreen-dermatologist junk science complex continues to scare people with misinformation about tanning. Continue reading Tanning scare perpetuated in new book from sunscreen-dermatologist junk science complex

Germans, Danes pay 300% more than Americans for electricity — courtesy of wind, solar mandates

From the Wall Street Journal’s “Europe’s Renewable Romance Fades”: Continue reading Germans, Danes pay 300% more than Americans for electricity — courtesy of wind, solar mandates

Study: Obesity epidemic partly explained by erroneous data

A new study in the American Journal of Epidemiology indicates that parent-reported height/weight data for children isn’t all that reliable. We have always been critical of self-reported obesity data. Continue reading Study: Obesity epidemic partly explained by erroneous data