Michael Mann attacks Google for funding skeptic think tank dinner

Despite Climategate revelations that Michael Mann tried to silence skeptic scientists, Mann is going after bigger fish — Google, for funding last night’s Competitive Enterprise Institute annual dinner. Continue reading Michael Mann attacks Google for funding skeptic think tank dinner

Show us the bodies: Singapore undergoes natural experiment in extreme air pollution

About the ongoing air pollution phenomenon in Singapore, the Straits Times reports: Continue reading Show us the bodies: Singapore undergoes natural experiment in extreme air pollution

Meteorologists quit Meteorological Society because Society position on climate based on dogma, not science

Meteoroliogist Tim Kelley tweeted:

As Kelley later explained:

Obama climate plan being shaped by John ‘Compulsory Abortion is Constitutional’ Holdren

Well… when you get down to it, in the enviro mind, people are the problem. Continue reading Obama climate plan being shaped by John ‘Compulsory Abortion is Constitutional’ Holdren

Shock: Libertarian Cato mag features ‘The Case for a Carbon Tax from a Free Market Perspective’

CEI’s Myron Ebell has the details. Continue reading Shock: Libertarian Cato mag features ‘The Case for a Carbon Tax from a Free Market Perspective’