Hansen Makes Bizarre Carbon Tax Appeal to GOP

Hansen says a Democrat-designed carbon tax would simply enlarge the government — a problem since”government never, seldom, makes the right choices.” So the GOP ought introduce a redistributive carbon tax? Really? Continue reading Hansen Makes Bizarre Carbon Tax Appeal to GOP

Nonsensus Ratcheted Up Again: Obama administration increases climate ‘consensus’ to 98%!

On June 10, the Obama campaign unilaterally increased the alleged climate consensus from a reported 97% to 98%. Now Obama Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz testifies in Congress that the Nonsensus is 98%. Continue reading Nonsensus Ratcheted Up Again: Obama administration increases climate ‘consensus’ to 98%!

Preemptive Genocide: Preventing births in poor nations would reduce infant mortality

It would also saves water, food, and money otherwise (apparently) wasted on education, health care… etc. Continue reading Preemptive Genocide: Preventing births in poor nations would reduce infant mortality

More bad news for warmism: ‘Hot spot’ predicted by climate models doesn’t exist, new paper reports

“The modeled temperature anomaly differences trend is significantly higher than that of the measured ones, confirming that the vertical amplification of warming is exaggerated in models.” Continue reading More bad news for warmism: ‘Hot spot’ predicted by climate models doesn’t exist, new paper reports

Heinous scandal goes ignored by media: EPA’s unethical human testing

National outrage over the federal government’s abuse of power has seemingly hit critical mass over the past month as news about the Internal Revenue Service engaging in political targeting, government spying on AP reporters, the pending government prosecution of a Fox News reporter, and the revelation that the National Security Agency has likely been collecting data on every one of us has dominated the news.

Ignored in all the conversation about abuses is perhaps one of the most heinous of them all. Continue reading Heinous scandal goes ignored by media: EPA’s unethical human testing

Not Pumped Up: Schwarzenegger delivers climate talk to 75% empty seats in Sydney pavilion

“At some times the event felt more like a cult gathering or religious meeting…” Continue reading Not Pumped Up: Schwarzenegger delivers climate talk to 75% empty seats in Sydney pavilion