Video: Nobel Economist says skeptics are deniers like Holocaust-denier Ahmadinejad

University of Maryland economist Tom Schelling goes off on skeptics… er…”deniers”. Continue reading Video: Nobel Economist says skeptics are deniers like Holocaust-denier Ahmadinejad

Moment of Honesty: Warmist Gavin Schmidt admits he tore his hair out after reading ‘State of Fear’

From Schmidt’s presentation at the AGU Chapman conference. Continue reading Moment of Honesty: Warmist Gavin Schmidt admits he tore his hair out after reading ‘State of Fear’

New oil sands panic: Potentially ‘catastrophic’ changes underway in Canada’s northern Mackenzie River Basin

“The panel agreed the largest single threat to the Basin is a potential breach in the tailings ponds at one of the large oil sands sites mining surface bitumen. A breach in winter sending tailings liquid under the ice of the tributary Athabasca River, “would be virtually impossible to remediate or clean-up,” says the report.” Continue reading New oil sands panic: Potentially ‘catastrophic’ changes underway in Canada’s northern Mackenzie River Basin

IEA: Four energy policies can keep the 2 °C climate goal alive

The International Energy Agency suggests four ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 8% by 2020 so as to stay under the arbitrary 2-degree C global temp goal. Continue reading IEA: Four energy policies can keep the 2 °C climate goal alive