Keep Your Long Flannel Underwear: Climate Scientists Predict Hell To Freeze Over!

“If the notion of global warming has gotten you all hot and bothered, here’s something to really worry about. What if just the opposite is occurring and global temperatures not only continue to remain flat, but get much colder for a very long time? In fact, that’s exactly what some highly-credentialed and well-informed scientists are predicting.” Continue reading Keep Your Long Flannel Underwear: Climate Scientists Predict Hell To Freeze Over!

Winning: Skeptics outnumber warmist believers in Australia 45%-42%, according to OECD poll

Climate change sceptics outnumber believers, according to an OECD study that shows how the debate has sharply divided Australians. Continue reading Winning: Skeptics outnumber warmist believers in Australia 45%-42%, according to OECD poll

MP Tim Yeo denies he broke lobbying rules after claims he helped push business interests

“The reporters approached the MP posing as representatives of a solar energy company offering to hire him as a paid advocate to push for new laws to boost its business for a fee of £7,000 a day.” Continue reading MP Tim Yeo denies he broke lobbying rules after claims he helped push business interests

Delingpole: ‘Trougher’ Yeo: we mustn’t laugh…

“Yeo appears on the surface to be one of those MPs most consistently responsible for using his power and influence to prop up one of the most expensive, corrupt and dishonest scams in history.” Continue reading Delingpole: ‘Trougher’ Yeo: we mustn’t laugh…