Bill McKibben: ‘It makes no sense to pay for one’s pension by investing in companies that make sure we won’t have a planet to retire on’

Where’s the planet going? Continue reading Bill McKibben: ‘It makes no sense to pay for one’s pension by investing in companies that make sure we won’t have a planet to retire on’

Bill McKibben’s Economics: ‘We have to take the hundred million dollars a day that Exxon spends on finding new oil, and have them spend it on solar panels instead’

Past the seizing-and-spending-other-people’s-money part, if Exxon did that, it would soon have no money to spend on anything. Continue reading Bill McKibben’s Economics: ‘We have to take the hundred million dollars a day that Exxon spends on finding new oil, and have them spend it on solar panels instead’

Obama: ‘I Don’t Have Much Patience for People Who Deny Climate Change’

“My only interest is making sure that when I look back 20 years from now, I say I accomplished everything that I could… Continue reading Obama: ‘I Don’t Have Much Patience for People Who Deny Climate Change’

Is Organizing for Action trying to provide cover for Obama on Keystone?

“OFA’s real agenda, though, appears to be to distract environmentalists from the fact that the president is likely to approve the Keystone XL pipeline project.” Continue reading Is Organizing for Action trying to provide cover for Obama on Keystone?