Enviro Mocks: We can’t yet blame climate for deadly Oklahoma tornados so we’ll blame denier Sarah Palin

What a twisted cult of creeps.

Susie Cagle writes at Grist:

Maybe scientists will conclude that this really is the fault of that atmospheric carbon. Maybe they won’t! For now, at least, the only thing I’ll be blaming for this mess is Sarah Palin. Because, you know.

Read more at Grist.

4 thoughts on “Enviro Mocks: We can’t yet blame climate for deadly Oklahoma tornados so we’ll blame denier Sarah Palin”

  1. In light of this tragedy, the idiotic accusitions and faux humor that is coming out is beyond evil, it is so sickening! These people have no regard for human life or suffering, the only thing they care about is their own agenda and bloated egos.

  2. One could interpret the remark as a personal admission that Ms. Caigle is completely biased.
    When I do something foolish, I often say, “It’s my fault but I’m going to blame global warming.” I just wish I could say it less often.

  3. They’re safely ensconced within their metro-cocoons… it wasn’t their children or loved ones that were killed, ergo no problem…

    Its all just one big joke like “The Daily Show” for them.

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