Animal Rights, IRS Wrongs? Is IRS official and Humane Society supporter Lois Lerner squelching IRS review of the Humane Society?

Inquiring minds want to know. Continue reading Animal Rights, IRS Wrongs? Is IRS official and Humane Society supporter Lois Lerner squelching IRS review of the Humane Society?

Former chief UK scientist says precautionary principle could reduce crop yields 25%

“Former Chief Government Scientist Professor Sir John Beddington has accused EU policymakers of misusing the precautionary principle in their approach to pesticides such as neonicotinoids.” Continue reading Former chief UK scientist says precautionary principle could reduce crop yields 25%

No Surprise: Obama opposes GOP bill on Keystone XL oil pipeline

“The White House said Tuesday that the bill “seeks to circumvent longstanding and proven processes” by removing a requirement for a presidential permit. The legislation also says no new environmental studies are needed.” Continue reading No Surprise: Obama opposes GOP bill on Keystone XL oil pipeline