BTW, Friday’s Mauna Loa daily average CO2 was only 399.40 ppm — just sayin’

Mauna Loa has not yet had a 400 ppm daily average for CO2 — warmists cheated to claim the 400 ppm level was exceeded. Continue reading BTW, Friday’s Mauna Loa daily average CO2 was only 399.40 ppm — just sayin’

Paper: Rising CO2 to ‘make hundreds of millions homeless’ and ‘agriculture to fail on entire continents’

When will warmists learn that their hyperbole only benefits skeptics? Continue reading Paper: Rising CO2 to ‘make hundreds of millions homeless’ and ‘agriculture to fail on entire continents’

NOAA Debunks 400 ppm CO2 Panic: Last time CO2 at 400 ppm Earth was ‘much warmer than today’ and sea-level was 10-20 meters higher

So it doesn’t sound like CO2 is too has much to do with temperature or sea-level. Continue reading NOAA Debunks 400 ppm CO2 Panic: Last time CO2 at 400 ppm Earth was ‘much warmer than today’ and sea-level was 10-20 meters higher

Michael Mann now an expert in evolutionary biology: Claims CO2 rising to fast for plants and animals to adapt

If you can divine historical global temperatures by examining a few tree rings, then you apparently can do anything — or at least imagine you can. Continue reading Michael Mann now an expert in evolutionary biology: Claims CO2 rising to fast for plants and animals to adapt

Today Germany Sadly Recalls…May 10, 1933…80-Year Anniversary Of Nazi Book-Burning…Eerie Parallels

“Book burning, calls for executions are back today in climate science.” Continue reading Today Germany Sadly Recalls…May 10, 1933…80-Year Anniversary Of Nazi Book-Burning…Eerie Parallels

Wealthy Obama donors push for rejection of Keystone XL — Decision ‘comparable’ with Lincoln’s work to abolish slavery

Abraham Obama? Continue reading Wealthy Obama donors push for rejection of Keystone XL — Decision ‘comparable’ with Lincoln’s work to abolish slavery

Tesla CEO quits Zuckerberg group over Keystone XL, oil drilling advocacy

“I agreed to support because there is a genuine need to reform immigration. However, this should not be done at the expense of other important causes,” Musk told AllThingsD. Continue reading Tesla CEO quits Zuckerberg group over Keystone XL, oil drilling advocacy