NASA Makes Another Useless Global Warming Prediction

“A new NASA study says global warming could “increase the risk for extreme rainfall and drought.” We’ve heard this sort of threat many times before and, no, there’s nothing to see here.” Continue reading NASA Makes Another Useless Global Warming Prediction

Senate GOP may seek delay in confirmation vote for EPA nominee McCarthy

The vote is currently scheduled for tomorrow. It won’t look good to have no GOP support for EPA chief. Continue reading Senate GOP may seek delay in confirmation vote for EPA nominee McCarthy

Biden against Keystone XL, but says he’s in the minority in the White House

Mother Jones reports:

On Tuesday night, Buzzfeed reported that Vice President Joe Biden told an activist in South Carolina that he personally opposed the Keystone XL pipeline, but that he was “in the minority” in the administration on that opinion. The story prompted a press release from at least one anti-Keystone environmental group praising Biden for his “blunt talk.” But Biden’s office says that the VP’s opinion on Keystone hasn’t changed since an interview he gave last year: he’s still waiting for the State Department to weigh in…

The Buzzfeed story came from the account of Elaine Cooper, an activist with the Sierra Club, who says Biden told her this during a rope line at a campaign event in South Carolina last Friday. Cooper recounted the encounter in a blog post as well:

I asked him about the administration’s commitment to making progress on climate and whether the president would reject the pipeline. He looked at the Sierra Club hat on my head, and he said “yes, I do – I share your views – but I am in the minority,” and he smiled.

Acting EPA chief gives State Dept Keystone XL analysis a passing grade at House hearing

Contrary to activist hype that EPA’s slammed the State Dept. report, when push comes to shove State passed the test. Continue reading Acting EPA chief gives State Dept Keystone XL analysis a passing grade at House hearing

Michael Mann — A Very Public Figure: CBS News Interview – April 22, 1998 has exposed Michael Mann’s creepy effort to recast himself as an “involuntary public figure” for purposes of his defamation lawsuit against Mark Steyn, National Review and the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Continue reading Michael Mann — A Very Public Figure: CBS News Interview – April 22, 1998

Study: Sea-level rise estimates lowered by improved understanding of Greenland glaciers

Bad news for Al Gore and his hypothesis that Greenland melting will raise sea-level dramatically and shut-dwon the Gulf Stream. Continue reading Study: Sea-level rise estimates lowered by improved understanding of Greenland glaciers