FLASHBACK: 90% of US IPCC scientists surveyed say manmade emissions drive global warming — 2013: UN Weather Chief admits natural variability in driver seat

JunkScience’s 2007 survey of US IPCC scientists exposed the wacky conceits of warmism. Continue reading FLASHBACK: 90% of US IPCC scientists surveyed say manmade emissions drive global warming — 2013: UN Weather Chief admits natural variability in driver seat

WaPo gives 4 Pinocchios to Obama group for misleadingly citing House vote on climate change bill

“But we were intrigued by the [Obama group] video’s claim that 240 House lawmakers had declared climate change to be a ‘hoax.'” Continue reading WaPo gives 4 Pinocchios to Obama group for misleadingly citing House vote on climate change bill

UN Weather Chief: ‘Meteorologists must work harder to find out what is causing global warming’

You mean, the science isn’t settled? The debate isn’t over? Al Gore was wrong? Continue reading UN Weather Chief: ‘Meteorologists must work harder to find out what is causing global warming’

20 Years Ago: 5-2-93 — Sailor deserts his ship after orders to dump trash into the ocean

“In what may be the first case of its kind, Ahearn said he
will file for an honorable discharge as a conscientious objector
based on environmental concerns if Navy officials do not transfer
him to a non-polluting assignment.The news report is below.” Continue reading 20 Years Ago: 5-2-93 — Sailor deserts his ship after orders to dump trash into the ocean

Claim: Lipstick contaminant could cause stomach cancer; ‘Troubling levels of toxic metals’

Everything is “contaminated” with trace levels of something that could be considered “toxic” at some very high exposure level. But it is the dose that makes the poison, and no harm to health has ever been shown to be caused or contributed to by lipsticks or other cosmetics. Don’t forget that the cosmetic scare industry is egged on, if not entirely funded by the “natural” cosmetics industry.” Continue reading Claim: Lipstick contaminant could cause stomach cancer; ‘Troubling levels of toxic metals’