“Our leaders are failing us so it’s up to us to take civil disobedience and to slow down and stop these coal ships. We are set to stay here as long as it takes.” Continue reading Greenpeace Piracy: Activists storm ship carrying Australian coal
Month: April 2013
Carbon Bubble-heads: ‘$674 billion spent last year on the discovery of new fossil fuel deposits that likely will never be used’
More on the the new green con known as the “Carbon Bubble.” Continue reading Carbon Bubble-heads: ‘$674 billion spent last year on the discovery of new fossil fuel deposits that likely will never be used’
Memo to PERC: The Nature Conservancy is not a free-market solution to anything
While insurance is a free-market solution to weather risk, the multi-billion dollar, taxpayer-subsidized, connive-to-remove-land-from-productive use, corrupt green scam known as The Nature Conservancy is not something a free-market think tank like PERC should be advocating. Continue reading Memo to PERC: The Nature Conservancy is not a free-market solution to anything
Good news for green people-haters: Model predicts population decline by mid-century; Global population in 2100 same as 2000
“There won’t be an overstuffed world, after all.” Continue reading Good news for green people-haters: Model predicts population decline by mid-century; Global population in 2100 same as 2000
Promise of shale gas throws ‘unexpected wrench’ into Germany’s green energy plans
But it may be thwarted as landowners don’t own the mineral rights to their own property. Continue reading Promise of shale gas throws ‘unexpected wrench’ into Germany’s green energy plans
Claim: Pollution from China is killing Japanese island’s trees
“Some scientists questioned why the tree deaths slowed even as China’s pollution problems have grown.” Continue reading Claim: Pollution from China is killing Japanese island’s trees
Keystone XL Minister: Given California’s dirty oil, Hansen should chain himself to a mannequin on Rodeo Drive
Joe Nocera writes in the NYTimes: Continue reading Keystone XL Minister: Given California’s dirty oil, Hansen should chain himself to a mannequin on Rodeo Drive
20 Years Ago: 4-25-93 — Al Gore reports $20,000 in royalties, takes $4,400 depletion allowance from zinc mining on family farm
“Somehow, despite his ecological principles and concern with tax fairness, Gore manages to deposit the check and take the depletion allowance.” Continue reading 20 Years Ago: 4-25-93 — Al Gore reports $20,000 in royalties, takes $4,400 depletion allowance from zinc mining on family farm
Al Gore Canard: 20-something NASA engineers put us on the moon — so 20-somethings can stop the climate from changing?
The average age at mission control may have been 26, but Wernher von Braun, the chief architect of the Saturn V rocket was 57. You can bet that other key technology was also developed by experienced engineers. And what’s age got to do with global warming anyway? Continue reading Al Gore Canard: 20-something NASA engineers put us on the moon — so 20-somethings can stop the climate from changing?
Shielding EPA’s McCarthy from scrutiny is what’s ‘totally bogus’
“Totally bogus.” That’s how Joe Davis, environmental journalist and director of the Society of Environmental Journalists’ WatchDog Project, describes “the concerns over fake emails.” Continue reading Shielding EPA’s McCarthy from scrutiny is what’s ‘totally bogus’
Study: A soda a day increases T2 diabetes risk by 22%
It is a mystery how these researchers can show that the specific 150 calories from daily cans of soda can cause diabetes. No doubt if all factors for type 2 diabetes were adequately accounted for, this claimed result would vanish. Continue reading Study: A soda a day increases T2 diabetes risk by 22%
GE Capital cuts off funding to small gun stores
“GE Capital is still doing business with merchants with more diverse lines of business, including Wal-Mart Stores, the nation’s largest seller of guns and ammunition, and Dick’s Sporting Goods, he added.” Continue reading GE Capital cuts off funding to small gun stores