“Despite the judicial smackdown, the agency handed the personal data that had been submitted to environmental groups.” Continue reading WashTimes: EPA leaks improperly collected personal data on famers to enviros
Month: April 2013
Enviros claim credit for killing to coal export facilities in Oregon
… and still the coal industry dithers. Continue reading Enviros claim credit for killing to coal export facilities in Oregon
UK Met Office: March ties for second coldest on record
Since 1910, only March 1962 was colder…. caveat: weather isn’t climate. Continue reading UK Met Office: March ties for second coldest on record
McKitrick demolishes Marcott hokey stick: 11,000-year study’s 20th-century claim is groundless
“The trouble is, as they quietly admitted over the weekend, their new and stunning claim is groundless. The real story is only just emerging, and it isn’t pretty.” Continue reading McKitrick demolishes Marcott hokey stick: 11,000-year study’s 20th-century claim is groundless
NOAA, NSF sponsor Yale survey of Republicans on climate change
The purpose of this survey is clearly to influence Congress. Should the federal government being supporting non-profit political work? Should a non-profit do political work? Continue reading NOAA, NSF sponsor Yale survey of Republicans on climate change
Rich Lowry: Meet the new climate deniers
“There are few things sadder than the ‘climate denier.’ He ignores the data and neglects the latest science. His rhetoric and policy proposals are dangerously disconnected from reality. He can’t recalibrate to take account of the latest evidence because, well, he’s a denier.” Continue reading Rich Lowry: Meet the new climate deniers
James Hansen, Political Activist retires to become a Political Activist
“Will Hansen get arrested more, now that he has more time to be politically active?” Continue reading James Hansen, Political Activist retires to become a Political Activist
Warmist claim: Skeptics paid $235 million — in 2010 alone!
There’s photographic evidence, too. Continue reading Warmist claim: Skeptics paid $235 million — in 2010 alone!
Bryce: Peak Oil Cult Is Proved Spectacularly Wrong
Last year, domestic natural gas production averaged 69 billion cubic feet per day, a record, and a 33% increase over the levels achieved back in 2005. That year, Lee Raymond, the famously combative former CEO of ExxonMobil, declared that “gas production has peaked in North America.” Continue reading Bryce: Peak Oil Cult Is Proved Spectacularly Wrong
Wind entrepreneur: Subsidies distort market and encourage turbines in less windy areas
“As long as these subsidies and tax credits exist, clean-energy executives will likely spend most of their time pursuing advanced legal and accounting methods rather than investing in studies, innovation, new transmission technology and turbine development.” Continue reading Wind entrepreneur: Subsidies distort market and encourage turbines in less windy areas
Claim: Air Pollution Linked to 1.2 Million Premature Deaths in China
Show us a body–c’mon, just one. BTW, the is an EPA funded study. Continue reading Claim: Air Pollution Linked to 1.2 Million Premature Deaths in China
Hansen quitting NASA; Wants to testify against, sue government over emissions
Norma Desmond is leaving NASA and preparing for his close-up. Continue reading Hansen quitting NASA; Wants to testify against, sue government over emissions