Rejecting McCarthy’s nomination would be a much-needed step toward holding Obama to his promise of “the most transparent administration in history.” Continue reading WashExam: Secretive Gina McCarthy not fit to head EPA
Month: April 2013
Spiegel: ‘Europe’s cap-and-trade system for reducing the release of greenhouse gases is broken’
Except for rentseekers and fraudsters. Continue reading Spiegel: ‘Europe’s cap-and-trade system for reducing the release of greenhouse gases is broken’
Vietnamese turn to Scientology for Agent Orange ailments
A 25-day sauna and vitamin regimen — for $350/person. The AP seems to think that only the cure is unproven. Continue reading Vietnamese turn to Scientology for Agent Orange ailments
Mark Steyn: How the Hockey Stick Crumbled — A Post-Mortem
“This appears to be one more in a long series of frauds and hoaxes perpetrated by climate alarmists.” Continue reading Mark Steyn: How the Hockey Stick Crumbled — A Post-Mortem
EPA Settlement: Company Must Spend $76,952 to Replace Light Bulbs
The penalty for mismanaging used oil? Continue reading EPA Settlement: Company Must Spend $76,952 to Replace Light Bulbs
Shale Oil and Natural Gas – Whose Bubble is Really About to Burst?
“If there is a ‘bubble’ that’s about to burst here, it is the nationwide campaign to demonize shale oil and natural gas.” Continue reading Shale Oil and Natural Gas – Whose Bubble is Really About to Burst?
Rise in ADHD cases is due to marketing
“The 53 percent increase in the diagnosis of ADHD in the past 10 years cannot be explained on the basis of genetics or any other biological discovery that would permit a valid diagnosis.” Continue reading Rise in ADHD cases is due to marketing
Obama on climate change: ‘The politics of this are tough’
Comments made last night at the home of billionaire Tom Steyer, anti-Keystone XL fanatic. Continue reading Obama on climate change: ‘The politics of this are tough’
Climate Ethics Prof: ‘U.S. emissions in Pennsylvania are causing floods in other areas’
Don Brown lectures, “We will only solve this problem when we have a social movement that demonizes the unjustifiable use of energy.” Continue reading Climate Ethics Prof: ‘U.S. emissions in Pennsylvania are causing floods in other areas’
Reuters White House reporter says Obama talking climate at SF fundraiser ‘to offset concern that he will approve Keystone pipeline’
Obama also says he expects Nancy Pelosi to be Speaker of the House again. Continue reading Reuters White House reporter says Obama talking climate at SF fundraiser ‘to offset concern that he will approve Keystone pipeline’
Hansen Unleashed: ‘All of President Obama’s achievements will fade if he doesn’t act swiftly and decisively on climate change’
In his first op-ed since announcing his retirement from NASA, James Hansen rails against the Keystone XL in the Los Angeles Times. Continue reading Hansen Unleashed: ‘All of President Obama’s achievements will fade if he doesn’t act swiftly and decisively on climate change’
Keystone XL protesters at Obama SF fundraiser want Bradley Manning free, too
In the back of the photo, there is a poster with Manning’s picture. Continue reading Keystone XL protesters at Obama SF fundraiser want Bradley Manning free, too