“If you believe the science it is about family values,” says Jim Yong Kim. Continue reading New World Bank chief: Global temps could increase 4-degrees C by 2060; Asks “What’s the plan?”
Month: April 2013
Claim: Tars sands oil linked to fish deformities in U.S. and Alberta — by grant-grubbing researcher
University of Alberta ecologist Dr. David Schindler says the only way to find out for sure is to give him grants. Continue reading Claim: Tars sands oil linked to fish deformities in U.S. and Alberta — by grant-grubbing researcher
Worth a Thousand Words: Obama SUV Outside Home of Enviro Billionaire
From last night’s fundraiser at Tom Steyer’s house: Continue reading Worth a Thousand Words: Obama SUV Outside Home of Enviro Billionaire
Former EPA Climate Adviser Rips White House OMB Over Cost-Benefit Analysis For Green Rules
OMB is the place where regulations go to die from cost-benefit analysis. Continue reading Former EPA Climate Adviser Rips White House OMB Over Cost-Benefit Analysis For Green Rules
Pennsylvania communities get $400 million from fracking fees; New York communities get zero
While NY Gov. Cuomo dithers on fracking, PA Gov. Corbett tweets happily: Continue reading Pennsylvania communities get $400 million from fracking fees; New York communities get zero
Federal study: Global warming means stronger ‘extreme’ rains
The crystal ball model says so. Continue reading Federal study: Global warming means stronger ‘extreme’ rains
Actor Jeremy Irons Slams Bloomberg ‘Nanny State’
Award-winning actor Jeremy Irons ripped into New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, likening his proposed restrictions on cigarettes and soda to a “nanny state.” Continue reading Actor Jeremy Irons Slams Bloomberg ‘Nanny State’
Stern: 2013 as “good as it’ll get” for action on climate change; Likens climate change to damage from World Wars, Holocaust
Stern called for a “new generation” of modelling that can take into consideration the impact of climate change on human lives and human welfare. Continue reading Stern: 2013 as “good as it’ll get” for action on climate change; Likens climate change to damage from World Wars, Holocaust
Abbott plans to scrap Australian climate body if elected; Says climate science is ‘absolute crap’
“The leader of the Liberal opposition, who once called climate science “absolute crap”, has already announced plans to close the climate change department within government and merge it with the environment portfolio.” Continue reading Abbott plans to scrap Australian climate body if elected; Says climate science is ‘absolute crap’
Obama omits mention of Keystone XL at fundraiser hosted by billionaire opponent of pipeline
Maybe he can blame John Kerry for the approval? Continue reading Obama omits mention of Keystone XL at fundraiser hosted by billionaire opponent of pipeline
NRDC tries deflecting racism charges by claiming ‘deep connection’ between global warming and MLK on 45th anniversary of assassination
Memo to NRDC: Carbon dioxide emissions have nothing to do with air pollution. Try again, please. Continue reading NRDC tries deflecting racism charges by claiming ‘deep connection’ between global warming and MLK on 45th anniversary of assassination
Meat labels will include where animal was born and slaughtered, irking Canada and Mexico
Canada and Mexico, the leading beef exporters to the U.S., claim it is uncalled for and a form of protectionism. Continue reading Meat labels will include where animal was born and slaughtered, irking Canada and Mexico