“Climate change could get worse quickly if huge amounts of extra heat absorbed by the oceans are released back into the air, scientists said after unveiling new research showing that oceans have helped mitigate the effects of warming since 2000.” Continue reading More ‘the ocean ate my global warming’
Month: April 2013
Six Reasons Fracking Has Flopped Overseas
Price, regulations, infrastructure, property & mineral rights water, and expertise. Continue reading Six Reasons Fracking Has Flopped Overseas
Joe Romm Hypocrisy: Delingpole jests are ‘hate speech’; But Romm ignored serious enviro call for ‘Climate Nuremberg’
Check the web site and you’ll find no condemnation by Joe Romm of the serious call for Nuremberg-type trials by Grist’s Dave Roberts, who was subsequently forced to issue a retraction. Continue reading Joe Romm Hypocrisy: Delingpole jests are ‘hate speech’; But Romm ignored serious enviro call for ‘Climate Nuremberg’
Mann Sycophant: ‘There is a trend to threaten climate science promoters with death, imprisonment, execution, etc’
A comment as devoid-of-evidence and bogus as Mann’s hokey stick trend. Continue reading Mann Sycophant: ‘There is a trend to threaten climate science promoters with death, imprisonment, execution, etc’
Michael Mann still trying to silence critics; Wants opinion writer fired from newspaper for joke about warmist industry tried by hanging judge
Michael Mann goes after Telegraph columnist James Delingpole for joshing the climate alarmist industry ought to answer questions before a hanging judge. Continue reading Michael Mann still trying to silence critics; Wants opinion writer fired from newspaper for joke about warmist industry tried by hanging judge
Largest Omani newspaper blames ‘large-scale manufacturing processes’ for global warming — omits mention of oil, gas
Oman produces more than 900,000 barrels of oil per day. Continue reading Largest Omani newspaper blames ‘large-scale manufacturing processes’ for global warming — omits mention of oil, gas
Study: Sahara was verdant until 5,000 years ago; Then — ‘abrupt climate change’
No word from the researchers as to whether this can be blamed on ancient fossil fuel use. Continue reading Study: Sahara was verdant until 5,000 years ago; Then — ‘abrupt climate change’
Delingpole: Hanging ‘far too good’ for ‘ineffable toerags’ like Mann, Hansen, Jones et al.
“The last thing I would want is for Monbiot, Mann, Flannery, Jones, Hansen and the rest of the Climate rogues’ gallery to be granted the mercy of quick release. Publicly humiliated? Yes please.” Continue reading Delingpole: Hanging ‘far too good’ for ‘ineffable toerags’ like Mann, Hansen, Jones et al.
A brief on the canard that warmists are more credible because they have out-published skeptics
Warmist Greg Laden offers this graphic to marginalize confidence in climate skeptics: Continue reading A brief on the canard that warmists are more credible because they have out-published skeptics
Rajendra Pachauri’s Conspiracy Theory
Climate skeptics are routinely accused of being conspiracy theorists… But Pachauri is peddling a conspiracy theory of his own. Continue reading Rajendra Pachauri’s Conspiracy Theory
Enviros hit World Bank for funding fossil fuels: $18 billion over the past 5 years; ‘Does not merit donor support’
“Until the World Bank Group can show that it can more effectively align these goals in its work, we believe that it does not merit donor support as an agent in the fight against climate change.” Continue reading Enviros hit World Bank for funding fossil fuels: $18 billion over the past 5 years; ‘Does not merit donor support’
Bill Maher: In science, ‘you reach a consensus, then debate the next issue’
No doubt this sort of ignorance is why Bill Maher has yet to figure out that he’s no libertarian either. Continue reading Bill Maher: In science, ‘you reach a consensus, then debate the next issue’