In response to a question from Utah Sen. Mike Lee, Moniz admitted to past support of cap-and-trade but denied pans for a carbon tax. Continue reading Obama Energy nominee Moniz on carbon tax: Administration has no plans to introduce one
Month: April 2013
Obama Energy nominee Moniz favors lighter — necessarily more deadly — cars, just to save some gas (of which there is plenty)
Moniz responds to a question from Hawaii Sen. Brian Schatz — is for “light-weighting” cars. We’re dying to save gas. Continue reading Obama Energy nominee Moniz favors lighter — necessarily more deadly — cars, just to save some gas (of which there is plenty)
Al Franken backs off warmism certainty: ‘Some of us know… well… some of us believe’ in global warming
From the Ernest Moniz confirmation hearing. Continue reading Al Franken backs off warmism certainty: ‘Some of us know… well… some of us believe’ in global warming
Obama Energy nominee Moniz: Refuses to say nat gas exports would help NATO allies held hostage by Russian gas, Putin
From a question from Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso. Continue reading Obama Energy nominee Moniz: Refuses to say nat gas exports would help NATO allies held hostage by Russian gas, Putin
Obama nominee Moniz on renewable energy: ‘Extremely bullish’ — Apparently never heard of Solyndra
Hails recent growth in renewables. But 2x a small number is still a small number. Continue reading Obama nominee Moniz on renewable energy: ‘Extremely bullish’ — Apparently never heard of Solyndra
Obama Energy nominee Moniz: Throws up roadblocks for natural gas exports; Concerns over price elasticity, ‘cumulative impacts’ — code for global warming
In response to a question on LNG from Michigan Sen. Debbie Stabenow. At best, Moniz is a central planner. Continue reading Obama Energy nominee Moniz: Throws up roadblocks for natural gas exports; Concerns over price elasticity, ‘cumulative impacts’ — code for global warming
Obama Energy nominee Moniz refuses to commit to facilitating natural gas exports from Alaska
Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski asked, he evaded. Talked about applying some vague “public interest criterion” and an even vaguer “cumulative impacts” analysis (ref. to carbon emissions?). Continue reading Obama Energy nominee Moniz refuses to commit to facilitating natural gas exports from Alaska
Obama Energy nominee Moniz: ‘Need to mitigate climate change is emphatically supported by the science’
From Ernest Moniz’s opening statement during the ongoing confirmation hearing. Continue reading Obama Energy nominee Moniz: ‘Need to mitigate climate change is emphatically supported by the science’
Schwarzenegger: Climate skeptics are ‘stupid’; ‘It is more than clear that the science is in, the debate is over’
Memo to Ah-nold: “The debate is over” is so 2007. Continue reading Schwarzenegger: Climate skeptics are ‘stupid’; ‘It is more than clear that the science is in, the debate is over’
French food safety agency goes junk science on BPA; Claims BS mouse study shows fetal exposure causes adult breast cancer
The baby mice were first exposed to BPA and then to known mammary carcinogens… and BPA gets the blame?! Continue reading French food safety agency goes junk science on BPA; Claims BS mouse study shows fetal exposure causes adult breast cancer
Obama Energy Dept. nominee favors TRIPLING the cost of fossil fuels; Confirmation hearing today at 10am ET
Nominee Ernest Moniz gets points for supporting fracking and nuclear power, but he is lunatic on fossil fuels. Continue reading Obama Energy Dept. nominee favors TRIPLING the cost of fossil fuels; Confirmation hearing today at 10am ET
Oops: Past drought overestimated; Little increase over the last 60 years
“A team of researchers from Princeton University and Australian National University suggests that a widely used tool for assessing drought — the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) — isn’t up to the task of large-scale drought assessment.” Continue reading Oops: Past drought overestimated; Little increase over the last 60 years