Scientists: EU must embrace GMO crops or become ‘dependent on outside world for food, feed and scientific progress’

EU nations can import, but not grow GMO crops. Continue reading Scientists: EU must embrace GMO crops or become ‘dependent on outside world for food, feed and scientific progress’

New Windbag in Town: Wind industry hires RINO as new chief lobbyist

Replacing windbag Denise Bode, Tom Kiernan recently praised Obama’s pick of Gina McCarthy to head the EPA. Continue reading New Windbag in Town: Wind industry hires RINO as new chief lobbyist

Magical Food: Coffee (plus tamoxifen) prevents return of breast cancer

“One theory we are working with is that coffee ‘activates’ Tamoxifen and makes it more efficient.” Continue reading Magical Food: Coffee (plus tamoxifen) prevents return of breast cancer

Greenpeace Piracy: Activists storm ship carrying Australian coal

“Our leaders are failing us so it’s up to us to take civil disobedience and to slow down and stop these coal ships. We are set to stay here as long as it takes.” Continue reading Greenpeace Piracy: Activists storm ship carrying Australian coal

Carbon Bubble-heads: ‘$674 billion spent last year on the discovery of new fossil fuel deposits that likely will never be used’

More on the the new green con known as the “Carbon Bubble.” Continue reading Carbon Bubble-heads: ‘$674 billion spent last year on the discovery of new fossil fuel deposits that likely will never be used’

Memo to PERC: The Nature Conservancy is not a free-market solution to anything

While insurance is a free-market solution to weather risk, the multi-billion dollar, taxpayer-subsidized, connive-to-remove-land-from-productive use, corrupt green scam known as The Nature Conservancy is not something a free-market think tank like PERC should be advocating. Continue reading Memo to PERC: The Nature Conservancy is not a free-market solution to anything

Good news for green people-haters: Model predicts population decline by mid-century; Global population in 2100 same as 2000

“There won’t be an overstuffed world, after all.” Continue reading Good news for green people-haters: Model predicts population decline by mid-century; Global population in 2100 same as 2000

Promise of shale gas throws ‘unexpected wrench’ into Germany’s green energy plans

But it may be thwarted as landowners don’t own the mineral rights to their own property. Continue reading Promise of shale gas throws ‘unexpected wrench’ into Germany’s green energy plans

Keystone XL Minister: Given California’s dirty oil, Hansen should chain himself to a mannequin on Rodeo Drive

Joe Nocera writes in the NYTimes: Continue reading Keystone XL Minister: Given California’s dirty oil, Hansen should chain himself to a mannequin on Rodeo Drive

20 Years Ago: 4-25-93 — Al Gore reports $20,000 in royalties, takes $4,400 depletion allowance from zinc mining on family farm

“Somehow, despite his ecological principles and concern with tax fairness, Gore manages to deposit the check and take the depletion allowance.” Continue reading 20 Years Ago: 4-25-93 — Al Gore reports $20,000 in royalties, takes $4,400 depletion allowance from zinc mining on family farm