Acting EPA boss: We might go after existing coal plants — Apparently unaware of McCarthy-Senate deal nixing coal plant rules

“[T]hat’s certainly something that will be on the table in this next fiscal year,” acting EPA Administrator Bob Perciasepe told reporters last week. Continue reading Acting EPA boss: We might go after existing coal plants — Apparently unaware of McCarthy-Senate deal nixing coal plant rules

John Kerry gives Chinese free pass in new US-China climate pact; China only to do what is ‘nationally appropriate’

The escape clause for China is the phrase “nationally appropriate action by the United States and China.” China has long said global warming was caused by the West and is the West’s responsibility to resolve. Continue reading John Kerry gives Chinese free pass in new US-China climate pact; China only to do what is ‘nationally appropriate’

EU to vote tomorrow on propping up carbon market; Delay sought in issuance of 900 million tons of permits

“With prices languishing at less than €5 per tonne – because of a glut of the carbon allowances that allow companies to pollute without penalty – it risks instead becoming an embarrassing EU policy failure.” Continue reading EU to vote tomorrow on propping up carbon market; Delay sought in issuance of 900 million tons of permits

Obama’s think tank presses Interior Secretary for coal lease moratorium on federal lands

“Absent a moratorium and reform, Interior is poised to approve 3.5 billion tons of new coal mining, which would be an unprecedented expansion of federal coal extraction. DOI cannot facilitate these massive extraction projects without undermining President Obama’s commitment to address climate change.” Continue reading Obama’s think tank presses Interior Secretary for coal lease moratorium on federal lands

Houston Chron blogger attacks Apollo-era NASA officials for saying climate change research ‘corrupted’ by politics and special interests

“The bottom line for me is that I wouldn’t ask a climate scientist to launch me into space, and I wouldn’t ask a rocket scientist to program the dynamical core of a global circulation model.” Continue reading Houston Chron blogger attacks Apollo-era NASA officials for saying climate change research ‘corrupted’ by politics and special interests

Study: China represents 68% of increase in global CO2 emissions, India 8% from 2000-2010

Flashback: The 1997 Byrd-Hagel Resolution against the Kyoto Protocol was based on the omission of developing countries from emissions limits. Continue reading Study: China represents 68% of increase in global CO2 emissions, India 8% from 2000-2010

Greenpeace summarizes the evolution of ‘Born Wrongborg’

“I must admit being somewhat jealous of Bjorn Lomborg. Here’s a man who has managed to create not just a successful career, but something of a global media empire, off the back of nothing more than being consistently and publically wrong.” Continue reading Greenpeace summarizes the evolution of ‘Born Wrongborg’

Boo-Hoo: Eco-terrorist whines about deprivation of rights while on parole; But no remorse for property rights he torched

Convicted felon Daniel McGowan describes his eco-arson as mere “environmental activism.” Continue reading Boo-Hoo: Eco-terrorist whines about deprivation of rights while on parole; But no remorse for property rights he torched

Enviro: Keystone XL to ‘speed up’ Dust-Bowlification of Canada — RealityDrop: Tar sands represent 0.2% of global greenhouse emissions

Joe Romm whines that Canada has left the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) is Canada, “home of the Dust-Bowl-accelerating tar sands.” Continue reading Enviro: Keystone XL to ‘speed up’ Dust-Bowlification of Canada — RealityDrop: Tar sands represent 0.2% of global greenhouse emissions

Report: Construction pay seen rising as much as 30% from Keystone XL — Is that better than a free Obama phone?

Note: Under the enviro plan, no one makes any money at all. Continue reading Report: Construction pay seen rising as much as 30% from Keystone XL — Is that better than a free Obama phone?