Michael Mann helps smear Virginia AG for using old sodomy law to prosecute sex offender who solicited a teenage girl

Ken Cuccinelli is using an archaic but on-the-books sodomy law to prosecute a sex offender for soliciting a 17-year old girl. Cuccinelli’s opponents are trying to position him as anti-gay. Continue reading Michael Mann helps smear Virginia AG for using old sodomy law to prosecute sex offender who solicited a teenage girl

New atrazine junk science: Herbicide ‘Though confirmed by many animal studies as harmful to endocrine systems, its specific effects are still unknown’

It’s confirmed as harmful but the effects are unknown? Continue reading New atrazine junk science: Herbicide ‘Though confirmed by many animal studies as harmful to endocrine systems, its specific effects are still unknown’

McKibben: Keystone a test of whether John Kerry still has his anti-Vietnam War cojones — ‘So far, the signs aren’t good’

“Other omens aren’t much better. Unnamed White House sources have said several times in recent weeks that the administration doesn’t think Keystone is a very big deal.” Continue reading McKibben: Keystone a test of whether John Kerry still has his anti-Vietnam War cojones — ‘So far, the signs aren’t good’

Bank: Canada to lose $15-billion a year on Keystone, lack of oil pipeline capacity — Obama: ‘We could not have a better friend and ally’

“Canada lost out on about $25 billion in oil revenues last year due to pipeline and production bottlenecks and is expected to lose $15 billion a year going forward until it deals with its infrastructure deficit, a new CIBC report says.” Continue reading Bank: Canada to lose $15-billion a year on Keystone, lack of oil pipeline capacity — Obama: ‘We could not have a better friend and ally’

The Nation: ‘So difficult to mobilize a climate movement’ because ‘it is antithetical to our normal ways of thinking and acting’

Roger that! Continue reading The Nation: ‘So difficult to mobilize a climate movement’ because ‘it is antithetical to our normal ways of thinking and acting’

New World Bank chief: Global temps could increase 4-degrees C by 2060; Asks “What’s the plan?”

“If you believe the science it is about family values,” says Jim Yong Kim. Continue reading New World Bank chief: Global temps could increase 4-degrees C by 2060; Asks “What’s the plan?”

Claim: Tars sands oil linked to fish deformities in U.S. and Alberta — by grant-grubbing researcher

University of Alberta ecologist Dr. David Schindler says the only way to find out for sure is to give him grants. Continue reading Claim: Tars sands oil linked to fish deformities in U.S. and Alberta — by grant-grubbing researcher

Former EPA Climate Adviser Rips White House OMB Over Cost-Benefit Analysis For Green Rules

OMB is the place where regulations go to die from cost-benefit analysis. Continue reading Former EPA Climate Adviser Rips White House OMB Over Cost-Benefit Analysis For Green Rules