EPA GHG rules for new coal plants likely delayed until 2014 due to legal and policy uncertainties; Enviros likely to sue

“Almost certainly” say agency sources. Continue reading EPA GHG rules for new coal plants likely delayed until 2014 due to legal and policy uncertainties; Enviros likely to sue

Frackers try buying off enviro opponents — ‘And EDF shall live with Shell. And the Clean Air Task Force shall lie down with Chevron’?

Paying off environmentalists has never worked before. Continue reading Frackers try buying off enviro opponents — ‘And EDF shall live with Shell. And the Clean Air Task Force shall lie down with Chevron’?

NOAA: Feb. 2013 ninth warmest Feb. on record; Tied with Feb. 2003 — 350 billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions ago

Atmospheric sensitivity to CO2 over past 10 Februarys = zero. Continue reading NOAA: Feb. 2013 ninth warmest Feb. on record; Tied with Feb. 2003 — 350 billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions ago

Lom-Gore-Borg spoils terrific anti-Earth Hour video message with his own peculiar brand of climate alarmism

Our planet does not need to be “saved” from climate change, nor with green energy. Other than that, a rockin’ video. Continue reading Lom-Gore-Borg spoils terrific anti-Earth Hour video message with his own peculiar brand of climate alarmism

Five Guys’ cheeseburgers aren’t killing anyone

NYTimes writer Timothy Egan spotlights what he doesn’t know about diet and health. The diet-heart hypothesis was debunked long ago. No doubt Egan missed that development because he was working within the NYTimes’ anti-science force field. Continue reading Five Guys’ cheeseburgers aren’t killing anyone

UN Economist: Atmosphere could absorb at most another one trillion tons of CO2

How would the economist know? Do economists even know anything about the economy? Finally, there is already more greenhouse gas in the atmosphere than there is radiation available to be absorbed. The atmosphere can hold a lot more CO2 with little (if any) warming effect. Continue reading UN Economist: Atmosphere could absorb at most another one trillion tons of CO2