Study: Cold cities less sustainable than warm cities — Not green: Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Rochester, Buffalo and Chicago

“In simple terms, it takes less energy to cool a room down by one degree than it does to heat it up by one degree.” Continue reading Study: Cold cities less sustainable than warm cities — Not green: Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Rochester, Buffalo and Chicago

Michael Mann pretends to be an involuntary ‘public figure’; Posturing for libel suit filed against Steyn, CEI?

In today’s The-Scientist pity-me piece, Michael Mann goes out of his way to assert is an “accidental” public figure. Why? Continue reading Michael Mann pretends to be an involuntary ‘public figure’; Posturing for libel suit filed against Steyn, CEI?

Enviros pressure Sens. Bennett, Carper and Coons to retreat from recent pro-Keystone XL vote

They claim they voted for a full and fair review. Continue reading Enviros pressure Sens. Bennett, Carper and Coons to retreat from recent pro-Keystone XL vote

Leading Environmental Group Scientist Praises FDA’s Ground-Breaking Research On BPA: A Tipping Point In The Controversy?

“So it came as something of a shock to the panel and the audience when, after the presentation by the FDA’s Daniel Doerge, Ruthann Rudel, an expert on endocrine disruption at the Silent Spring Institute (named after the Rachel Carson book which ignited the environmental movement) praised his research. ‘I actually just want to thank you for the work that you’ve done, because I’ve found your studies to be some of the most clarifying and helpful pieces of information in making my way through the bisphenol A woods,’ said Rudel.” Continue reading Leading Environmental Group Scientist Praises FDA’s Ground-Breaking Research On BPA: A Tipping Point In The Controversy?

Enviros attack ‘sustainable shale’ group again: ‘Industry is inherently bad for human health and global sustainability’

The anti-frackng group Food & Water either really opposes the fracker-enviro kumbaya group — or it is jealous that it hasn’t been included in the redistribution of fracking profits. Continue reading Enviros attack ‘sustainable shale’ group again: ‘Industry is inherently bad for human health and global sustainability’

Eco-Terrorism: 2nd bomb threat stops construction at West Virginia natural gas liquids plant

Yesterday a second bomb threat was made against the Natirum facility, causing the evacuation of 700 construction workers, shutting down work for another several hours. The head of the WV Oil and Natural Gas Association is calling it a case of “domestic terrorism” and a crime. Continue reading Eco-Terrorism: 2nd bomb threat stops construction at West Virginia natural gas liquids plant

Economist: ‘Mismatch between rising GHG emissions and not-rising temperatures is among the biggest puzzles in climate science just now’

“… it may be that the climate is responding to higher concentrations of carbon dioxide in ways that had not been properly understood before.” Continue reading Economist: ‘Mismatch between rising GHG emissions and not-rising temperatures is among the biggest puzzles in climate science just now’

Enviros: Oxymoron of the day — Sustainable Shale Franking

The fracking industry’s kumbaya gesture to opponents, called the Center for Sustainable Shale Development, is drawing more flack from enviros. Continue reading Enviros: Oxymoron of the day — Sustainable Shale Franking