Could a NC Law Put EPA Doctor-Researchers in Jail?

“Will a state be willing to act against the Environmental Protection Agency’s practice of exposing humans to diesel exhaust emissions, when medical authorities and the courts have refused to intervene?” Continue reading Could a NC Law Put EPA Doctor-Researchers in Jail?

NOAA claims recent paleo evidence confirms global warming in instrument record

NOAA describes this new evidence as “independent, objective” — even though it was developed by NOAA researchers and touted by Tom Karl. Continue reading NOAA claims recent paleo evidence confirms global warming in instrument record

Activists Ratchet Up ‘Food Addiction’ Campaign

The use of inflammatory words such as “toxic,” “poison,” “manipulation,” “addictive,” and “inherently dangerous” signal the trial lawyers and state attorneys general are coming for the food industry. Continue reading Activists Ratchet Up ‘Food Addiction’ Campaign

Sen. Roy Blunt placing a hold on Obama’s EPA nominee

Missouri Republican Sen. Roy Blunt said on Monday that he is placing a hold on Gina McCarthy, President Obama’s pick to run the Environmental Protection Agency, which could delay a full Senate vote on the nominee. Continue reading Sen. Roy Blunt placing a hold on Obama’s EPA nominee

Pete McMartin: ‘Climate change deniers cherry-picking in a fruitless debate’

The debate, of course, is not about whether climate is changing, but: (1) to what degree it is changing; (2) whether human activity is driving it; (3) whether climate change is adverse on a net basis; and, finally, (4) what, if anything, could be reasonably done about any potential adverse consequences. Continue reading Pete McMartin: ‘Climate change deniers cherry-picking in a fruitless debate’