Boxer: 2010 failure of cap-and-trade caused ‘hotter days’ and ‘more and more severe storms’

From her ongoing floor speech. Continue reading Boxer: 2010 failure of cap-and-trade caused ‘hotter days’ and ‘more and more severe storms’

Gore: TV journalism more important than investors, global warming in sale of Current TV

Global warming took a back seat in Al Gore’s sale of Current TV to Al Jazeera. Continue reading Gore: TV journalism more important than investors, global warming in sale of Current TV

Demolishing the myth that Monsanto’s engineered crops drove 270,000 Indian farmers to suicide

Vandana Shiva claimed: “Two hundred and seventy thousand Indian farmers have committed suicide since Monsanto entered the Indian seed market. That’s more than a quarter-million. It’s a genocide.” Continue reading Demolishing the myth that Monsanto’s engineered crops drove 270,000 Indian farmers to suicide

Victory: Judge Halts New York City Soda Ban

“A state judge on Monday stopped Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s administration from banning the sale of large sugary drinks at New York City restaurants and other venues, a major defeat for a mayor who has made public-health initiatives a cornerstone of his tenure.” Continue reading Victory: Judge Halts New York City Soda Ban