Marin Environmentalist Claims Recreating Extinct Species Is Possible

“Speaking from the prestigious TED Conference in Long Beach Wednesday, Sausalito activist Stewart Brand said scientists are developing the ability to reassemble an extinct animal’s genome, and even recreate the animal itself.” Continue reading Marin Environmentalist Claims Recreating Extinct Species Is Possible

McKibben: ‘God has set [the Keystone XL pipeline] up as the most perfect pure test there could be’

McKibben also apparently doesn’t believe in Peak Oil. Continue reading McKibben: ‘God has set [the Keystone XL pipeline] up as the most perfect pure test there could be’

Lawsuit challenges coal mine approvals in 4 states

“An environmental group seeking to temporarily halt mining at seven coal mines in four states has sued the federal government, saying Thursday the approval of the mines allowed companies to dig up a combined 1.3 billion tons of the fuel across the Rocky Mountain West…

…The lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Colorado by WildEarth Guardians alleges the Department of Interior approvals were illegal because no public notice was given.”

Read more at the Billings Gazette.

Chamber study debunks EPA figures on job-creating regulations

In some cases, the study concluded, there was no evidence that the agency even attempted to analyze the effect of regulations on employment. Continue reading Chamber study debunks EPA figures on job-creating regulations

Gore slams Rubio for State of the Union Response

“For them to put on a response to this constitutionally mandated State of the Union address, and have it come from somebody who says that global warming isn’t real, is pitiful.” Continue reading Gore slams Rubio for State of the Union Response