Top oil lobbyist: New climate bill will never reach Senate floor

“I think no, it will not get to the floor, and I think the reason it won’t get to the floor is the dynamics surrounding carbon has changed,” [American Petroleum Institute chief Jack Gerard] told E&E TV.” Continue reading Top oil lobbyist: New climate bill will never reach Senate floor

Report: Winter warming faster than other seasons

“While the U.S. as a whole has seen a warming trend that has raised annual average temperatures by 1.3°F over the past 100 years, warming varies seasonally, and it’s winter that has seen the fastest warming.” Continue reading Report: Winter warming faster than other seasons

Pot, Kettle: Vinod Khosla tweets that ‘59% of America’s tuna isn’t actually tuna’

Possibly, but cellulosic ethanol is a 100% failure and at least a 59% scam. Continue reading Pot, Kettle: Vinod Khosla tweets that ‘59% of America’s tuna isn’t actually tuna’