Firearms Companies Restricting Sales To GOVERNMENT Agencies In Areas That Restrict Gun Rights

“A growing number of firearm and firearm-related companies have stated they will no longer sell items to states, counties, cities and municipalities that restrict their citizens’ rights to own them.” Continue reading Firearms Companies Restricting Sales To GOVERNMENT Agencies In Areas That Restrict Gun Rights

Dr. John Christy explains why climate models greatly exaggerate global warming

“…Dr. John Christy notes that climate “models, on average, depict the last 34 years as warming about 1.5 times what actually occurred” and that the model predictions diverge from observations by even more [2.5 times] in the atmospheric layers most affected by greenhouse gases [the missing ‘hot spot’].” Continue reading Dr. John Christy explains why climate models greatly exaggerate global warming

Report: Former EPA official who made ‘crucify’ comment sent email to Jackson’s alias address

That would be Al “The Centurion” Armendariz. Continue reading Report: Former EPA official who made ‘crucify’ comment sent email to Jackson’s alias address

Scientist-wards-of-the-taxpayer whine, fearmonger about the sequester

Because the government invented the Internet, GPS, MRI, trillion dollar deficits, $16 trillion debt, economic stagnation, housing bubble… Continue reading Scientist-wards-of-the-taxpayer whine, fearmonger about the sequester

Study: Forecast is for more snow in polar regions, less for the rest of us

“A new cli­mate model pre­dicts an increase in snow­fall for the Earth’s polar regions and high­est alti­tudes, but an over­all drop in snow­fall for the globe, as car­bon diox­ide lev­els rise over the next century.” Continue reading Study: Forecast is for more snow in polar regions, less for the rest of us