Hypocritical Message from Protesters to Obama: ‘If you don’t stop KXL, we will’

Of course, this contrasts quote sharply with the Sierra Club propaganda photo of the event. Continue reading Hypocritical Message from Protesters to Obama: ‘If you don’t stop KXL, we will’

China and Russia block UN Security Council climate change action

“Russia and China blocked efforts last Friday to have climate change recognised as an international security threat by the UN Security Council (UNSC).” Continue reading China and Russia block UN Security Council climate change action

OWS on KXL: ‘Obama – you can stop this pipeline with your pen, or we can stop it with our bodies’

That’s Occupy Wall Street on the Keystone XL pipeline. Continue reading OWS on KXL: ‘Obama – you can stop this pipeline with your pen, or we can stop it with our bodies’

The Hill: Dems afraid to hold votes on climate bills

“Congressional Democrats will not commit to forcing votes on major climate change bills, even as they try to build political momentum behind President Obama’s promise to make global warming a second-term priority.” Continue reading The Hill: Dems afraid to hold votes on climate bills

Green party reaches 40th birthday

“Where are political parties born? Labour might say workplaces, the Conservatives their clubs and stately homes, but the Green party – which is 40 years old next week – can be precise: the Bridge Inn at Napton, in Warwickshire, where an unlikely group of lawyers and estate agents used to meet for a drink after work in the early 1970s.” Continue reading Green party reaches 40th birthday