The Criminal Case Against Peter Gleick coming from Heartland on Valentine’s Day

“On Thursday, February 14, 2013, The Heartland Institute is releasing a 57-page report produced by its legal counsel, Jones Day, presented to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Illinois in support of criminal prosecution in the matter… Continue reading The Criminal Case Against Peter Gleick coming from Heartland on Valentine’s Day

Biden: We’re counting on ‘legitimate media’ for successful gun control effort

During a press conference on gun safety in Philadelphia, Vice President Joe Biden said that any reports that suggest that he was trying to take weapons away from gun owners was a “bunch of malarkey.” Continue reading Biden: We’re counting on ‘legitimate media’ for successful gun control effort

Chemistry trick kills volcano-climate cooling controversy

“Volcanoes are well known for cooling the climate. But just how much and when has been a bone of contention among historians, glaciologists and archeologists. Now a team of atmosphere chemists, from the Tokyo Institute of Technology and the University of Copenhagen, has come up with a way to say for sure which historic episodes of global cooling were caused by volcanic eruptions.” Continue reading Chemistry trick kills volcano-climate cooling controversy

Study: Sunlight stimulates release of climate-warming gas from melting Arctic permafrost

“Ancient carbon trapped in Arctic permafrost is extremely sensitive to sunlight and, if exposed to the surface when long-frozen soils melt and collapse, can release climate-warming carbon dioxide gas into the atmosphere much faster than previously thought.” Continue reading Study: Sunlight stimulates release of climate-warming gas from melting Arctic permafrost

Study: Unchecked antibiotic use in animals may affect global human health

“The increasing production and use of antibiotics, about half of which is used in animal production, is mirrored by the growing number of antibiotic resistance genes, or ARGs, effectively reducing antibiotics’ ability to fend off diseases – in animals and humans.” Continue reading Study: Unchecked antibiotic use in animals may affect global human health

Krugman attacks ‘Ignorance Caucus’ — but (ignorantly?) asserts that sea-level rise is making Norfolk vulnerable

Paul Krugman needs to read his own newspaper before he calls others ignorant. Continue reading Krugman attacks ‘Ignorance Caucus’ — but (ignorantly?) asserts that sea-level rise is making Norfolk vulnerable

House GOP put Obama on Keystone Clock

“The Energy and Commerce initiative marks an escalation of GOP efforts to nudge Obama on Keystone after Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman (R) gave the OK to a revised pipeline route. The Nebraska ruling was viewed as one of Keystone’s last hurdles, with clearing Obama remaining the final test.” Continue reading House GOP put Obama on Keystone Clock