Great moments in failed predictions

“While searching for something else, I came across this entertaining collection of grand predictive failures related to resources and climate change, along with some of the biggest predictive failures of Paul Ehrlich. I thought it worth sharing.” Continue reading Great moments in failed predictions

140 countries agree to UN mercury treaty

“More than 140 nations have agreed on the first legally-binding treaty to curb mercury pollution. Delegates at UN talks in Geneva approved measures to control the use of the highly toxic metal, which is widely used in chemical production and small-scale mining, in order to limit mercury emissions.” Continue reading 140 countries agree to UN mercury treaty

Severe droughts in Amazon linked to climate change, says study

“An area in the Amazon twice the size of California is experiencing what scientists call a “megadrought.” The prolonged drought, which began in 2005, has caused widespread damage to the area and may possibly be a sign that the rainforest is showing the first signs of large-scale degradation due to climate change.” Continue reading Severe droughts in Amazon linked to climate change, says study

California Truckers Challenge Constitutionality of Diesel Regulations

States are pre-empted from regulating motor carriers — as in forcing either the replacement of engines or retrofitting of equipment with Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF’s) that can cost upwards of $20,000 per vehicle. Continue reading California Truckers Challenge Constitutionality of Diesel Regulations