Study casts doubt on link between cannabis, teen IQ drop

Defense of dope smoking brings out epidemiological skeptics. And why wouldn’t these criticisms also be true for the lead-IQ claims? Continue reading Study casts doubt on link between cannabis, teen IQ drop

Lomborg: German electricity prices up 61%; Renewables to blame

“Real German electricity prices for households have increased 61% since 2000. One quarter of household costs now stem directly from renewable energy.” Continue reading Lomborg: German electricity prices up 61%; Renewables to blame

Team of Ex-NASA Scientists Concludes No Imminent Threat from Man-Made CO2

“A group of 20 ex-NASA scientists have concluded that the science used to support the man-made climate change hypothesis is not settled and no convincing physical evidence exists to support catastrophic climate change forecasts.” Continue reading Team of Ex-NASA Scientists Concludes No Imminent Threat from Man-Made CO2