Severe droughts in Amazon linked to climate change, says study

“An area in the Amazon twice the size of California is experiencing what scientists call a “megadrought.” The prolonged drought, which began in 2005, has caused widespread damage to the area and may possibly be a sign that the rainforest is showing the first signs of large-scale degradation due to climate change.” Continue reading Severe droughts in Amazon linked to climate change, says study

California Truckers Challenge Constitutionality of Diesel Regulations

States are pre-empted from regulating motor carriers — as in forcing either the replacement of engines or retrofitting of equipment with Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF’s) that can cost upwards of $20,000 per vehicle. Continue reading California Truckers Challenge Constitutionality of Diesel Regulations

Satellites Confirm: Atmospheric Global Cooling Reigns, Not The IPCC’s Predicted CO2 ‘Global Warming’

“The 2012 year-end satellite measurements continue to be cruel to the IPCC’s green-sharia scientists – this UN agency has long predicted huge atmospheric global warming from CO2 emissions …..yet in reality, global cooling currently dominates.” Continue reading Satellites Confirm: Atmospheric Global Cooling Reigns, Not The IPCC’s Predicted CO2 ‘Global Warming’